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Steckwerk News

Check out all news and re­cent in­for­ma­tion about Steck­w­erk and our fur­ni­ture.

Relaunch new Steckwerk website - february 2014

Af­ter many weeks of plan­n­ing, de­sign­ing, dis­cuss­ing, text­ing and pro­gram­ming we are very proud to pre­sent the new Steck­w­erk web­site. A bit of a new look and an ex­tend­ed as­sort­ment of our prod­uct line await you. We now of­fer a clas­sic stool, can­ter­bury and Steck­w­erk t-shirts along our icon shelv­ing sys­tem, table and deer.

With our new con­fig­u­ra­tor you can de­sign your own shelf in a few easy steps. Have fun con­fig­u­rat­ing your in­di­vi­d­u­al shelv­ing sys­tem!

Spe­cial thanks to our friends from wel­träume GmbH and For­maspect for the sup­port!

Report in Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung - january 2014

A Deer is no longer a sym­bol for grand­pa´s conser­va­tive liv­ing room. As a cre­a­tive de­c­o­ra­tion the antler is in line with the trend and de­c­o­rates in­di­vi­d­u­al­ly rooms and cor­ri­dors. One of the most presti­gious news­pa­pers in Ger­many "Frank­furter All­ge­meine Son­n­tagszei­tung" re­port­ed on 26.01.2014 about this de­sign trend and il­lus­trates the sto­ry with our Steck­w­erk deer.

We are very pleased about this in­teres­sant ar­ti­cle! You can read the whole ar­ti­cle at

IMM cologne - January 2014

Steck­w­erk is in­vit­ed to the imm 2014 in cologne and we are very hap­py to en­joy this fair once as vis­i­tors. It was a love­ly time in cologne, with in­spir­ing fur­ni­ture and in­ter­est­ing peo­ple. We wish ev­ery ex­ibi­tor a won­der­ful time and a suc­cess­ful fair.

Find more im­pres­sions of our vis­it at imm 2014 at our Face­book-Seite.

Steckwerk wins Focus Open - october 2013

Steck­w­erk shelv­ing sys­tem wins Fo­cus Open 2013 Sil­ver! Fo­cus Open is an in­ter­na­tio­n­al de­sign­price from Ba­den-Wuert­tem­berg and is award­ed an­nu­al­ly to com­pa­nies and de­sign­ers.

We feel very hon­ored to be award­ed with this spe­cial price and we give thanks to the ju­ry!

Find more in­for­ma­tions about the award in our press re­lease and see all the awardee at De­sign Cen­ter Stutt­gart.

Awarding ceremony design award - September 2013

On 12/09/13 it fi­nal­ly was about time - the de­sign price of Ger­man Fed­er­al Re­public was award­ed in Ber­lin. Un­for­tu­nat­ly our shelv­ing sys­tem could not take this award home - but we are very very pleased to be part of this love­ly cer­e­mony and we con­gra­t­u­late all win­n­ers once again!

It was a big ho­n­our for us to be nom­i­nat­ed for this spe­cial award and we thank the ju­ry for nom­i­nat­ing our shelv­ing sys­tem!

Find more in­for­ma­tions about this award and our nom­i­na­tion on De­sign­preis der BRD.

Nomination German Design Award - August 2013

Steck­w­erk shelv­ing sys­tem is nom­i­nat­ed for the Ger­man De­sign Award! This presti­gious award for prod­ucts and pro­jects is award­ed since 60 years from the Ger­man De­sign Coun­cil. The award is known to dis­cov­er and pre­sent one of a kind de­sign trends.

The de­ci­sion on the win­n­ers of the Ger­man De­sign Awards will take place in fe­bruary 2014.

Now Steck­w­erk is com­pet­ing for the Ger­man De­sign Awards as well as the de­sign award of the Ger­man Fed­er­al Re­public.

We are hop­ing to con­vince both ju­rys with our shelv­ing sys­tem!

Nomination German Designaward - July 2013

Steck­w­erk shelv­ing sys­tem is nom­i­nat­ed for the ger­man de­sign award!

This award is known as the high­est of­fi­cial award in the re­gion of de­sign. The ger­man de­sign award is award­ed by Fed­er­al Min­is­ter of Eco­nomics and Tech­nol­o­gy.

The award­ing cer­e­mony takes place in ber­lin at 12th septem­ber 2013 and we are hop­ing to con­vince the ju­ry with our shelv­ing sys­tem!

Passagen 2013 - january 2013

Pas­sa­gen are an in­her­ent part of the in­ter­na­tio­n­al in­te­ri­or shows in Cologne. As a de­sign par­cour through the in­n­er-ci­ty of Cologne es­pe­cial­ly young­sters show their re­cent works to a broad public.

This year we show the Steck­w­erk prod­ucts at the Pas­sa­gen from 14 to 20 jan­uary 2013.

You are cor­dial­ly in­vit­ed to meet us and our prod­ucts!

St-Apern-Str. 17-21
50667 Köln

IMM in cologne - january 2012

The "Pure Vil­lage" ex­hi­bi­tion for­mat was cre­at­ed as a fo­rum for pre­sent­ing new de­sign and trend­sett­ing vi­sions at the IMM Cologne, in 2012. In Pure Vil­lage new­com­er and estab­lished brands pre­sent their fur­ni­ture and cre­ate a whole new fair con­cept.

Steck­w­erk is very proud to be a part of Pure Vil­lage 2012! We had a great, very pos­i­tiv re­s­o­nance and could estab­lish many new con­tacts. We´re look­ing in­spired and mo­ti­vat­ed ahead!

We keep on mov­ing - promised!