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Step by step

Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture is easy to as­sem­ble. By click­ing through our step-by-step-in­struc­tions, you quick­ley un­der­s­tand the sim­ple tech­nique need­ed to build your shelv­ing sys­tem or table. You won't need any ex­tra parts or tools for as­sem­bling your STECK­W­ERK fur­ni­ture.  Sim­p­ly slide the boards to­gether in the grooves and your fur­ni­ture takes form!

Assembly instruction shelf

To as­sem­ble a Steck­w­erk shelf there is no need for tools, srews or any other small parts. Just by fol­low­ing our step-by-step in­struc­tion you can as­sem­ble your shelf sim­ple and un­com­pli­cat­ed.

Assembly instruction table

Easy and quick as­sem­b­ly of the Steck­w­erk table with our step-by-step in­struc­tion. To as­sem­ble the table you don´t need any tools or small pie­ces.