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Steck­w­erk shelv­ing sys­tems match with ev­ery needs. We of­fer a sys­tem that is not on­ly one of a kind but al­so flex­i­ble, mod­ern and fool­proof to as­sem­ble. Through the pa­tent­ed Steck­w­erk plug-in tech­nique we can guar­an­tee a sim­ple as­sem­b­ly and dis­as­sem­b­ly of the shelf. Be­cause of that you can change and ex­tend the shelf as you de­sire. The purisitc de­sign en­sures flex­i­bil­i­ty and sta­bil­i­ty. More­over the plus-in tech­nique al­lows end­less ver­sions of the shelf.


Cre­a­tive wall de­sign and func­tio­n­al war­drobe - the deer from Steck­w­erk of­fers new ex­traor­d­i­nary ideas for mod­ern liv­ing. The deer is the per­fect tro­phy for any­one that is on the hunt for an ex­clu­sive, one of a kind de­c­o­ra­tion. As an in­di­vi­d­u­al wall de­sign or a stylish war­drobe, the deer pre­sents his proud antler in the style of alle Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture - puris­tic and easy to build. Trough the valu­able pro­cess­ing and the sim­ple, cre­a­tive de­sign the deer fits eas­i­ly to all styles and fur­nish­ing.


Clean lines and plain shape - the valu­able Steck­w­erk table is one of a kind and con­vinces with its charm and char­ac­ter.
The time­less de­sign is as­sam­bled through the plug-in tech­nol­gy by Steck­w­erk. In that way the as­sam­b­ly is easy and the table can be stored space-sav­ing. Whether as desk, din­ing table or con­fer­ence table - Steck­w­erk ta­bles fit in­to ev­ery style and in­te­ri­or de­sign.


Mod­ern liv­ing - Steck­w­erk stools con­vinces with sim­ple el­e­gance, clear shape and in­di­vi­d­u­al de­sign. The stool is made of valu­able ma­te­rial and there­fore can be used ver­satile. Whether as an ex­clu­sive stool, sta­ble shelf or side table - the Steck­w­erk stool fits in­to ev­ery in­te­ri­or de­sign. As if made from one piece the stool con­vinces with its smooth el­e­gance and min­i­mal­is­tic struc­ture.


Con­ve­nient, clas­sic and el­e­gant - Steck­w­erk can­ter­bury con­vinces with plain­ness. Through his clas­sic shape and func­tio­n­al con­struc­tion the can­ter­bury of­fers stor­age fa­cil­i­ty for mag­azines and books. At the same time it fits eas­i­ly in ev­ery in­te­ri­or de­sign.



Made with love: shirts by Steck­w­erk. Ex­trem­ly com­fort­able, valu­able shirts for ev­ery­one who likes Steck­w­erk or just want to wear some­thing in­di­vi­d­u­al. All shirts are de­signed and made by the Steck­w­erk-team. The shirt con­sists of or­gan­ic cot­ton and are fair-trade.