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Steckwerk Deer

Cre­a­tive wall de­sign and func­tio­n­al war­drobe - the deer from Steck­w­erk of­fers new ex­traor­d­i­nary ideas for mod­ern liv­ing.

The deer is the per­fect tro­phy for any­one that is on the hunt for an ex­clu­sive, one of a kind de­c­o­ra­tion. As an in­di­vi­d­u­al wall de­sign or a stylish war­drobe, the deer pre­sents his proud antler in the style of all Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture - puris­tic and easy to build.

Trough the valu­able pro­cess­ing and the sim­ple, cre­a­tive de­sign the deer fits eas­i­ly to all styles and fur­nish­ing.

Or­der the deer eas­i­ly and com­fort­able in our shop.

Matthias Kapica - production manager