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We love furniture

Steck­w­erk was found­ed in 2010 by Lukas Hechinger and Frie­drich Gauger. The idea was to de­sign a board in a way such that, to­ge­hter with other iden­ti­cal boards, it could be as­sem­bled in­to a shelf with­out the use of screws, dow­els or other ex­tra parts. In the mean­time the pa­tent for this unique con­nec­tion as­sem­b­ly is pend­ing and it is ob­vi­ous that the ar­ray of prod­ucts will cont­in­ue to grow in the near fu­ture.

Steck­w­erk team works and lives in Karl­s­ruhe. All Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture is pro­duced in the own car­pen­try in Karl­s­ruhe.

Lukas Hechinger - founder

From an ear­ly age, he looked over his fa­ther’s shoulder at the fam­i­ly-owned car­pen­ter’s work­shop and ac­quired a vast knowl­edge about wood and its han­dling. As a stu­dent of me­chan­i­cal en­gi­neer­ing at the Karl­s­ruhe Uni­ver­si­ty, he was able to use his fa­ther’s machin­ery, en­abling him to start a small busi­ness of his own.
His idea was to de­sign a board in a way such that, to­gether with other iden­ti­cal boards, it could be as­sem­bled in­to a shelf with­out the use of screws, dow­els or other ex­tra parts. In the mean­time the pa­tent for this unique con­nec­tion as­sem­b­ly is pend­ing and it is ob­vi­ous that the ar­ray of prod­ucts will cont­in­ue to grow in the near fu­ture.

As the Steck­w­erk CEO Lukas co­or­d­i­nates pro­duc­tion, purchase, hr and sales of the prod­ucts. His de­sign of the Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture is award­ed with many presti­gious de­sign awards in ger­many. Steck­w­erk shelv­ing sys­tem was award­ed with the Mekaward 2012 and the In­ter­na­tio­n­al De­sign Awards of Ba­den-Wuert­tem­berg 2013. More­over it was nom­i­nat­ed for the Ger­man De­sign Award 2014 and the de­sign award of the Fed­er­al Re­public of Ger­many.

You can con­tact Lukas di­rect­ly at hechinger@steck­w­

Matthias Kapica - production manager

As a pro­duc­tion ma­n­ag­er, Mat­thias is re­spon­si­ble for the qual­i­ty of all Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture. Dur­ing ma­te­rial pro­cure­ment, he at­tach­es great im­por­tance to an sus­tain­able pro­duc­tion. Be­cause of that, Steck­w­erk on­ly us­es sus­tain­able pro­duced MDF-boards. To pro­duce the Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture we use mod­ern tech­nique to guar­an­tee most qual­i­ty and ac­cu­ran­cy of fit.

Ev­ery woo­d­en board is con­trolled by Mat­thias to pre­clude any pos­si­ble de­fects. In this way we can guar­an­tee high­est qual­i­ty for our cus­tomers. Al­so an ecofriend­ly ship­ping through a CO2 neu­tral con­sign­ment is an im­por­tant item for a sus­tain­able fur­ni­ture pro­duc­tion by Steck­w­erk.

Ellen Marie Brick, M.Sc. - Sales & Marketing

Ellen is re­spon­si­ble for the sales of Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture. She ad­vis­es our cus­tomers and cre­ates in­di­vi­d­u­al in­te­ri­or de­signs for ev­ery need. Ellen is al­so the di­rect con­tact for the Steck­w­erk re­tail­ers. If you like to sell Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture in your store, please con­tact Ellen on brick­@steck­w­

The de­sign of Steck­w­erk ad­ver­tis­ing ma­te­rial, con­cep­tion and up­date of the web­site and the sup­port of Steck­w­erk pres­ence in face­book, twit­ter, goo­gle+ and pin­ter­est is part of her as­sig­ment.

Lilo Fee Dittmann - freelancer

Li­lo start­ed at Steck­w­erk as head of sales, af­ter she moved to Ber­lin she works as a free­lancer for Steck­w­erk. Her area of re­spon­si­bil­i­ty is fair-plan­n­ing and she or­ganized the ap­pear­ance of Steck­w­erk at the imm cologne 2012 and 2013.

Luise Reidelshöfer - trainee

Luise works as a trai­nee in dif­fer­ent de­part­ments of Steck­w­erk. Whether pro­duc­tion, de­vel­op­ment, de­sign or of­fice work - Luise sup­ports the Steck­w­erk team ac­tive­ly. As a stu­dent of ar­chi­tec­ture she es­pe­cial­ly at­tach­es im­por­tance to wood pro­cess­ing and in­te­ri­or de­sign.