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Most important questions at a glance

Here you can find the an­sw­ers to the most asked ques­tions about Steck­w­erk and our prod­ucts. If you can´t find the ap­po­site an­sw­er, please con­tact us on 0721-180 390 00 or ser­vice@steck­w­

  • RetailerOpen or Close

    Is it pos­si­ble to buy Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture in a store?

    Of course it is! Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture is avai­l­able in many stores in ger­many. You can find the re­tail­er close by you with our re­tail­er-search. Al­so you can eas­i­ly or­der Steck­w­erk prod­ucts in our shop.

    Is it pos­si­ble to sell Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture in my store?

    We are al­ways in­ter­est­ed in find­ing new re­tail­ers for our prod­ucts! Please write an email to ser­vice@steck­w­ and we will in­form you about our con­di­tions.

  • SustainabilityOpen or Close

    What wood is used for the pro­duc­tion of Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture?

    To pro­duce Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture we use on­ly medi­um-den­si­ty fi­bre­board (MDF). Our MDF con­tains sus­tain­able lo­cal wood and is fab­ri­cat­ed at low-emis­sion stan­dards.

    What are the con­di­tions of the ship­ment?

    We be­lieve an ecofriend­ly ship­ment is im­por­tant. There­fore we ship our fur­ni­ture car­bon-neu­tral.

  • OrderOpen or Close

    What pay­ment op­tions pro­vides the Steck­w­erk on­line-shop?

    In our shop we pro­vide pay­ment per sur­name, on ad­vance and with Pay­Pal.

    What are the charges of ship­ment?

    Within ger­many the charges of ship­ment are lump 15 EUR in­cl. VAT (ex­cept deer, can­ter­bury and shirt). Charges of ship­ment within eu­ro­pean coun­tries are 22 EUR in­cl. VAT per or­der.

    Is it pos­si­ble to or­der Steck­w­erk prod­ucts by phone?

    Of course you can oder Steck­w­erk prod­ucts by phone. You can reach us di­rect­ly from mon­day to fri­day from 9 am to 4 pm on 0721-180 390 00. We can send you an of­fer with­out en­gage­ment.

    How long does de­liv­ery take?

    De­liv­ery time is 5 to 10 busi­ness days.

    Is it pos­si­ble to re­turn prod­ucts?

    You can can­cel the con­trac­tu­ral dec­la­ra­tion within 14 days in text for­mat (for ex­am­ple let­ter, fay, mail) or by send­ing the prod­uct back. Read more about our con­sumer in­for­ma­tions here.


  • Order componentsOpen or Close

    Is it pos­si­ble to or­der sin­gle com­po­nents to ex­tent my shelf?

    Of course it´s pos­si­ble to or­der sin­gle com­po­nents to ex­tent your shelf. For any shelf which com­po­nents you need to ex­tent your shelf, please con­tact us on ser­vice@steck­w­ or 0721–180 390 00.

    How much is a sin­gle woo­d­en board?

    All boards for the Steck­w­erk shelv­ing sys­tem (mid­dle­piece, end­piece, dop­ple-end­piece) cost 22,50 EUR in­cl. VAT plus de­liv­ery charges. De­liv­ery charges in ger­many are lump 15 EUR. De­liv­ery charges in eu­rope are lump 22 EUR.

  • Shelf sizeOpen or Close

    What shelf size is per­fect for me?

    Steck­w­erk shelf is avai­l­able in two sizes. Size 13.26´´ is per­fect for doc­u­ment files. Size 9.3´´ is per­fect for sneak­ers. A com­bi­na­tion of both sizes in one shelf is pos­si­ble.

    Is it pos­si­ble to com­bine both sizes in one shelf?

    Of course a com­bi­na­tion of both sizes in one shelf is pos­si­ble. With our con­fig­u­ra­tor you can change sizes of rows in your shelf.

  • ManufacturingOpen or Close

    Where does the pro­duc­tion of Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture take place?

    We pro­duce Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture in our fam­i­ly car­pen­try in Karl­s­ruhe, Wikinger­str. 9a. Through in-house pro­duc­tion we can guar­an­tee high­est qual­i­ty and ac­cu­ra­cy of fit.

    What is STECK­W­ERK fur­ni­ture made of?

    All our Steck­w­erk fur­ni­ture is made of medi­um-den­si­ty fi­bre­board, MDF. This is a grain ma­te­rial most­ly con­sist­ing of pine, spruce and beech. The MDF-boards are coat­ed to make them easy to clean and dirt- and wa­ter-rep­pe­lent.

  • SetupOpen or Close

    How can I estab­lish my Steck­w­erk shelf?

    The set­up of the Steck­w­erk shelv­ing sys­tem works by putt­ing mid­dle­pie­ces and end­pie­ces eas­i­ly to­gether. You can find a de­tailled as­sem­b­ly in­struc­tion on our web­site. An in­struc­tion is in­clud­ed in ev­ery de­liv­ery.

    What is a mid­dle­piece?

    You can rec­og­nize a mid­dle­piece by its re­cess on both sides. In re­la­tion to that, a end­piece has just one re­cess.

    What is an end­piece?

    You can rec­og­nize a end­piece by its re­cess on one side. In re­la­tion to that, a mid­dle­piece has a re­cess on both sides.

    What is a dop­ple-end­piece?

    You can rec­og­nize a dop­ple-end­piece by the absence of a re­cess on both it's sides. You need a dou­ble-end­piece to build a stair-shelf for ex­am­ple or the varian­tion "tow­er-shelf".

    Do I have to fix the shelf on the wall?

    As with any other shelf, we re­c­om­mend an at­tache­ment on the wall from a hight of one me­tre. Most of our cus­tomers use their shelv­ing sys­tem with­out fix­ing it on the wall. It de­pends on the tex­ture of your floor. If you like to fix your shelf on the wall you can use an easy screw con­nec­tion.

  • ColourOpen or Close

    In which colour can I get the Steck­w­erk prod­uct?

    All Steck­w­erk prod­ucts are avai­l­able in black, white and all RAL-colours. The col­or-palette of RAL-colours in­cludes over 200 colours. If you choose a colour be­side black and white the ship­ment will take more time and de­pend­ing on the amount of boards we upcharge. For more in­for­ma­tions about avai­l­able colours and costs please con­tact us un­der ser­vice@steck­w­