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Steckwerk shelf

Steck­w­erk shelv­ing sys­tems are com­pat­able to ev­ery need. We of­fer a sys­tem that is not on­ly one of a kind but al­so flex­i­ble, mod­ern and fool­proof to as­sem­ble.

Through the pa­tent­ed Steck­w­erk "plug-in" tech­nique we can guar­an­tee a sim­ple as­sem­b­ly and dis­as­sem­b­ly of the shelf. Hence, you can change and ex­tend the shelf as you de­sire. The purisic de­sign en­sures flex­i­bil­i­ty and sta­bil­i­ty. More­over the plug-in tech­nique al­lows end­less ver­sions of the shelf's ca­pac­i­ty.

De­sign your per­so­n­al Steck­w­erk shelf with our con­fig­u­ra­tor.

Matthias Kapica - production manager